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Proficient Reading: 38%

Distinguished Reading: 23%

Proficient Math: 37%

Distinguished Math: 16%

Clubs & Organizations

South Warren High School has many organizations available for students to join in order to enhance their academic and social experience at SWHS.  Students will have an opportunity to meet with members of these organizations during school during our club rush day, which occurs in the few weeks of the school year.  Club meetings will be held during our Friday Homeroom time this year.  Students must be a member of a club and on the club roster in order to attend meetings.  Listed below are clubs and organizations & their sponsors:

Club/Organization Sponsor
Academic Team Amar Patel, Samantha Propp
Activate Club Kaylee Stantliff
Art Club Jada Roy
Aspire Club Cari Stahl, Taylor Alder
Badminton Club Regina dela Cerna
Band (Marching/Pep) Amy Spears
Beta Club Kathryn Gray, Austin Francis, Brittany Miller
Dungeons & Dragons Christine Keltner, Jacob Carter
Equality Club Andrea Ray, Regina dela Cerna
FBLA Future Business Leaders of America Stephanie Yeckering, Kim Frasier, Jennifer Firkins
FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes Casey Stephens, Jennifer Cooper, Lane Embry, Stephanie Yeckering
FCCLA Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America Holly Willingham, Brylee Bellen, Samantha Skipper, Brandy Houchens, Bridgette Hughes
FFA Future Farmers of America Thomas Poole, Robin Dalton, Catherine Poole
Film Study Kourtney Clark
Future Problem Solving Amar Patel
International Club Krista Taylor
Key Club Sean Lawrence
KYA Kourtney Clark
Musical Tiffany Harrington, Laura Beavers, Kaylee Stantliff
Prom Committee

Ashley Burnette

Science Club  
Spanish Honor Society Florence Laramore
Spirit Club Tammy Hightower, Allison Cowles, Brianna Hughes
STLP Student Technology Leadership Program Emily Van Zee
Student Ambassador Erika Lawless
Yearbook Kathryn Gray